Saturday, 17 December 2016

My Legion is growing! just finished another two 10 man squads that I recently acquired from good mate Nathan. They were destined to be Iron Warriors but after accepting 'The Word' they are now new recruits in the 17th Legion. The squads are kitted out with two heavy bolters or two melta guns, the heavy bolter squad may be stood back giving covering fire as the meltas rush in to fry the odd tank or two.
This is enough foot sloggers for a while, next project is to supply some transports, a drop pod is on the table and I fancy a Spartan for the terminators. And a Deredeo dreadnought with dual auto cannons. And a dreadnought drop pod!

 I need a Legion Praetor to take command, or more likely a Diabolist.

The medic may get replaced too.

It's time these lads got well and truly bloodied so I'm going to arrange a couple of games over the Xmas holidays, watch this space for updates and results.

Monday, 14 November 2016

I've got a new flyer, he took a while to build and paint as other things kept getting in the way, I've had it for about three months, usually enough time to build and paint a model.  Forge World models aren't always the easiest things to build and this was no exception! I've always used Warlord Games superglue and usually it's been fine however this time the bloody thing just wouldn't stay together, I ended up pinning the large wings to keep them on, the tail fin is a bit thin for that though, it fell off twice during painting then when I thought I'd finished and started on the transfers it fell off again- not a good day that one. I think it came out well in the end. It's got some good game rules too, I think I should be able to take my mates' Fire Raptor out before he realises how good my little Interceptor really is- hopefully!!

The transfers are the Forge World set, they may be expensive but they sure do bring out the best in any model. I've got some Renegade Militia on the painting table at the moment, hopefully they won't take as long to complete as this feller.

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

This is my most recent acquisition, a Siccaran battle tank, great stats and weapons, I saw it on Heresy Trading, on Face Book- a great site that specialises in selling and swopping Forge World gear, the name gives it away really! I saw this come up as I was browsing through and within 16 minutes had contacted the seller and paid through paypal, not only is it painted in Word Bearers colours it was only £60.00, the bare model is £76.00 from Forge World so I think I got a bargain, I can't recommend the site highly enough. I haven't used it yet so I'm not expecting great things in it's first battle- new model syndrome is bound to kick in and see it blown up on turn one.

This ostentatious little guy is a Diabolist, these are characters unique to Word Bearers that open up buffs to other units in the Legion, these are rolled for and as with Chaos nothing is certain. He's a Daemon and Zealot so worth killing off if you can. The model is Fine Cast and was a bitch to put together, the Fine Cast is so weak it breaks at the slightest touch and as I've often been described as a clumsy twat I managed to break him at least a couple of times, but in the end I think he's come out alright.

This is my Anvillus pattern Dreadclaw drop pod, it's a decent sized model and with it's claws it can be placed almost anywhere on the table. It not only lands and disgorges it's payload, it can then fly off and bathe the loyalist scum with a cleansing fire storm- nice! It's also an assault vehicle which means it can fly about and the Gal Vorbak inside can burst forth and do what they do best- kill, maim and burn. I've given the Gal Vorbak a couple of melta guns to knock off a few hull points of vehicles before the power fists charge in and finish them off. I've painted it grey as it's and old vehicle, kept in service after the Legion turned to chaos and changed to red, it also enables me to field it as a loyalist transport that didn't support Lorgar during the Heresy.

 The Gal Vorbak were a pleasure to paint, plenty of detail and recesses to hold the washes. They're bigger than normal marines and with my eye sight getting worse I enjoyed being able to focus on what I was doing.

 Melta gun for a bit of punch at close quarters.

Monday, 31 October 2016

I finished the first unit of Catafractii terminators from the Calth box set. I think I went overboard on the weathering powders. The transfers that come with the box set are perfect to set these guys apart from the run of the mill termies, I like to run these as a bodyguard, first in and usually first to die!
 Combi bolters and chain fists, the chain fists take out vehicles like a hot knife to butter.

 Power sword for the sergeant so he can stand a chance in a challenge and not have to strike last.
As I said before, I like the characters from 30K, I picked up these sculpts cheap and couldn't wait to have a go at them. There's the whisperer himself Erebus and his mentor Kor Phaeron. They aren't the hardest blokes in the game but for me it's all about the fluff and building a characterful army that tells a story.
 That's a 40K land raider hiding in the back ground.

This is my take on Zardu Layak and his Blade Slaves. He's a pretty mean Psycher that can summon Daemons, as a Khorne 40K player I've bag loads of them so it's handy to be able to use them in 30K as well. The Blade Slaves are awesome in close combat, just don't get Zardu killed or they go berserk and attack the closest unit- friend or foe!

This guy is my Chaos Decimator, he's from 40K but I love the sculpt, to me he looks like the Chaos answer to Loyalist Dreadnoughts and he's got a Butcher Cannon, just the name does it for me, not particularly brilliant but it's my choice for the big guy.

A close up of Narik Dreygur - I'm going to have to name this guy- any suggestions?
I kept him in grey armour to signify he's been around a bit and is given leeway to wear what he likes. I've an idea at the back of my mind to paint a Word Bearers army pre Heresy in grey and battle on Calth Loyalists v Traitors, might be a long term project though.

As is usual with me I've decided to update my army and go back in time- if that makes sense! With the releases of Battle of Calth and the new Prospero boxed games from Games Workshop I've decided to build a 30k Word Bearers army. It's been at the back of my mind for a couple of years and I've already picked up some character figures, just because they're such lovely sculpts and as I've said before I love the background.
These are my first tacticals, just bog standard cannon fodder really but they fit together well and look good 'en masse'.
 Sergeant with a decent sized combi weapon.

There's a big old Contemptor pattern dreadnought in there too, from the Calth set.
The character at the front is the limited edition Narik Dreygur converted to a Legion Consul- I say converted but it's only the addition of a shoulder pad, but I like it!